Living in Love and Faith


Living in Love and Faith: The Course aims to help Christians think more deeply about what it means to be human. It provides a structured and accessible way for local groups to engage in and reflect on Living in Love and Faith, a major new exploration of Christian teaching and learning about identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage.


North Cotswold Deanery Course: With 4 members of our Deanery Synod elected to General Synod, this is a good opportunity to have this conversation locally, but also conscious of the bigger picture too. Members of all churches and communities are invited to be a part of this course, which will run:


On Zoom

On Monday evenings (7pm for up to 2 hours)

From 10th January 2021

Led by 2 Diocesan trained facilitators


The booking form can be accessed by clicking here.

Or to find out more, contact Katrina Scott at


Sessions will run on Mondays 10, 17, 24 and 31 January and 14 and 21 February.


Christmas Art Competition entries


Watch the Blockley Carol Service